External Sources for Ideas and new Products


When people think about creativity in a business they are often referring to ideas for new products and services that come from the employees. We think that many positive influences come from outside a business and that is important to keep your eyes open to such opportunities. Here we present the most common sources for new product and service ideas:


1) Information from Customers

Ask your costumers and get a feedback from them.

There are web 2.0 methods that directly invite customers to contribute to new products (Open Innovation methods)


2) Information from Distributor

Get feedback from your distributor.


3) Competitor Analysis

This is a huge source. Learn from your competitors.

With benchmarking you can learn from other sectors and industries.


4) Exhibition

Visit exhibitions inside and outside your sector or industry.


5) Publications, Journal

Read any kind of literature (general knowledge, expert knowledge in different fields).


6) Universities, private Institutions

Innovation centres & institutes, commercial research laboratories


7) Patents

Free and Licenced Databases


Source: Cooper, Winning at new products, 1998